Thursday, February 16, 2012

Laundry Day!

That means I'm now sitting beside a fully loaded laundry stand breathing in the delightfully fresh humidity wafting off my clothes, lucky me! I spent a lot of the rest of the day trying to organize things around here (especially paperwork).

Before I got to any of that though, I went for a 5km run! It was so sunny out too, which made it very enjoyable. Too bad the snow doesn't get cleared very often here, there are still lots of nasty, slushy patches on the sidewalks where the last bits of snow could have melted away in the warmth if they'd been a little bit shoveled...

Now that I've been running more, I've been getting excited about it and started looking for a shorter race around here to go in between now and the 10K at the end of April. It's just been so long since I've been in one and I guess I'm having a hard time waiting. I'm also going to have a hard time putting off buying new running shoes much longer. I've started looking at them online and reading reviews so pretty soon I'm going to give in.

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